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Toucans are one of the most colourful and well-known birds in the world. Here are 20 facts about toucans that you may not know.

  • There are five genera in the family Ramphastidae: Typical Toucans Ramphastos, Toucanets Selenidera, Mountain-toucans Andigena, Aracaris Pteroglossus, and Green toucanets Aulacorhynchus.
  • Toucans have a large bill that can measure up to half of their body length. It looks heavy but is made of keratin in a honeycombed pattern, giving it strength while keeping it light.

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  • The large bill is now thought to be a way of expelling heat, but it may also be so they can reach fruit from far away, used as a weapon, or when courting.
  • The keel-billed toucan has a bill that has every colour of the rainbow except violet.
  • Toucans are arboreal and rarely visit the ground. They bathe in the rain or in pools of water made in trees high up in the canopy.
  • Toucans have black plumage with bright bands of red, yellow, and green, and either white, blue, yellow, red, or green eye patches.
  • The largest toucan is the toco toucan at 63.5cm (25in) long while the smallest is the tawny-tufted toucanet at 31cm (12.5in.)
  • Toucans can be found from Southern Mexico, through Central America and South America to Northern Argentina.
  • Toucans live on a diet of fruit with figs being their favourite. However, they will also eat lizards, snakes, small birds, eggs, and insects including termites which they catch out of the air.
  • Toucans grab their food in the ends of their beaks before throwing it into the air and swallowing it whole.
  • Toucans live and fly in flocks up to a dozen individuals but don’t act like a group. When one flies away, another will follow until they have all left.
  • Toucans are not good fliers. They have small, round wings, and beat their wings a number of times before closing them and gliding. They do this over and over, forming an undulatory course.
  • Toucans prefer to hop from one branch to another than to fly and can often be seen playing with each other, pushing another and throwing food to each other.

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  • Toucans will sleep on the branches of trees, but the Guiana toucanet and some of the medium-sized aracaris will sleep in tree holes.
  • They make nests for their young in tree holes which are already there. They may evict woodpeckers and other birds to make space for them.
  • Toucans are noisy but sound like yelping puppies or croaking frogs. Only the chestnut-mandibled toucan produces a melody.
  • Toucans normally lay two to four white eggs which hatch after about sixteen days.
  • Hatchlings are born naked and blind, opening their eyes after three weeks. They leave the nest after about six weeks.
  • When the birds are ready to leave the nest they resemble the adults but much smaller.
  • Toucans can be seen on Guinness adverts and on the front of Froot Loops cereal boxes.

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