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The red-bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) is a species of bird belonging to the family Picidae. It is native to eastern North America, ranging from southeastern Canada to northern Florida and as far west as Texas.

This medium-sized woodpecker has a distinctive plumage with bold black and white stripes on its back, wings, and tail; it also features prominent reddish or pink coloration on its head and breast area. The red-bellied woodpecker is an important part of the avian community in many parts of its range.

This species exhibits great adaptability when it comes to habitat selection, often taking advantage of both natural forests and urban gardens alike. Red-bellied woodpeckers feed mostly on insects found under bark or inside tree cavities but can also take other items such as fruits, nuts, suet feeders, etc. They are known for their loud call that consists of two distinct notes: wick-a-wick-a-wick! Both males and females use this call throughout the year for territorial purposes.

Red-bellied woodpeckers build nests in tree cavities which they excavate using their strong beaks. Their breeding behavior includes displays involving drumming on trees accompanied by calls which serve to attract mates and establish territories during mating season.

These birds form long term pair bonds which involve cooperative nesting behaviors between male and female partners including incubating eggs together as well as provisioning food to hatchlings once born.

Red bellied woodpecker

Species Description

The red-bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) is a species of woodpecker that can be found in the Eastern United States and Canada. It is approximately 9 – 10 inches long with an overall stout body shape, large head, and short neck.

The upperparts are mostly black with some white barring on the wings, back, and tail. Its most distinguishing feature is its bright red crown extending from the bill to the nape of the neck. The underparts are mainly grayish-white but become paler towards the belly where there may be flecks of red or pink.

This color pattern helps differentiate it from other similar looking species such as the yellow-shafted flicker which has a solid yellow patch on its breast instead of barred feathers. In addition to this unique coloration, they have a characteristic “whinny” call that is easily identifiable among birders.

Overall, these physical characteristics help distinguish them from other species in their region and aid in identification for those interested in bird watching activities.

Habitat And Range

The red-bellied woodpecker is a medium-sized species, native to North America. It has a wide range across the eastern United States and Canada. Its habitat includes open woodlands, forests and parks. In addition, it can be found in residential areas with mature trees.

This bird prefers deciduous or mixed forest habitats with plenty of dead trees for nesting and perching. The preferred habitat also includes large stands of oaks and hickories as well as other hardwoods such as elms, ashes, pines and maples. This species can also be spotted in swamps which provides abundant food sources like insects, spiders and fruits from shrubs.

The red-bellied woodpecker’s range extends eastward along the Appalachian Mountains into northern Florida and westward through Texas up to southeastern Nebraska where their populations are primarily concentrated around riverside oak groves and bottomland woods near larger bodies of water. Their distribution has been documented throughout most of the eastern US states but there have been recent sightings as far north as Alaska.

Diet And Feeding Habits

The red-bellied woodpecker is an omnivorous species, meaning that the diet of this bird consists of both animal and plant material. Its typical menu includes insects such as larvae, grubs and beetles; along with nuts, seeds, berries and fruits. Woodpeckers are known to visit suet feeders too when available.

When foraging in trees, these birds peck at bark or search crevices to find their food. They also may pry open dead branches to uncover nest cavities below where they search for insects prey upon. The Red-bellied Woodpecker will often fly from tree to tree searching out beetle larvae under the bark or within the trunks during the winter months. It has even been seen hovering near logs or ground looking for ants among other insect sources which it feeds on.

In addition to their natural foods sources, the Red-bellied Woodpecker visits backyard bird feeders quite regularly due to its adaptability in finding food in a variety of locations. Suet mixtures are especially attractive to them as well as sunflower seed mixes containing safflower, peanuts, millet and cracked corn.

This species also relies heavily on wild fruit such as serviceberry, elderberries and grapes during migration season when regular food supplies can be scarce.

Breeding Behavior

Red-bellied woodpeckers breed between March and July in the United States, depending on their exact location. During this nesting season, these birds can be seen engaging in courtship behavior as they search for a mate. Male red-bellied woodpeckers typically display to potential mates by fanning out their tail feathers or performing an aerial call dive.

The pair will usually remain monogamous throughout the mating period, though divorce does occur if one partner abandons the nest or is absent for too long.

Finding suitable nesting sites is key for successful breeding of red-bellied woodpeckers. This species prefers open woods with trees that have dead branches or cavities present. They rarely use bird houses placed up high and instead favor spots at lower levels such as rotten stumps, utility poles, and siding on buildings. Red-bellied woodpeckers construct nests using twigs and grasses, often located within 10 meters of a natural cavity entrance.

The female lays three to seven eggs which are incubated over a 12 day period before hatching occurs. Both parents help feed young chicks until they leave the nest after about 30 days post-hatching. It has been observed that some pairs may successfully raise multiple broods during the same nesting season when environmental conditions are optimal.

Conservation Status

Due to the increasing loss of habitats and degradation of woodpecker populations, conservation efforts for red-bellied woodpeckers have become a priority. Here are three factors that play an important role in the preservation of these birds:

  1. Endangered Status: Red-bellied woodpeckers are listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) list of threatened species due to their declining population size, range contraction, and low reproductive success rate within its native range.
  2. Conservation Efforts: A number of conservation initiatives have been introduced to protect this species by raising awareness about its plight, restoring degraded forests, conserving existing mature forested areas and reintroducing them into suitable habitat regions where they may thrive more successfully.
  3. Migratory Habits: The migratory habits of red-bellied woodpeckers also play a major role in preserving their numbers as they move between wintering grounds and breeding sites when food sources become scarce or unsuitable weather conditions exist during certain times of year.

Although there is still much work to be done in terms of protecting red-bellied woodpeckers from further decline, recent efforts have seen some positive results with increased populations being observed across several states in North America since 2011. It is clear that continued conservation efforts must continue so that these birds can remain safe from extinction in future decades.

Red bellied woodpecker

Interesting Facts

The red-bellied woodpecker is a medium sized bird, growing to about nine inches in length and having a wingspan of fifteen inches. It has distinctive white and black barring on its back, while the head and underparts are bright red. This species is known for its loud drumming sound which it makes when searching for food or during courtship displays.

This species nests in dead trees or sometimes wooden fence posts. The nest consists of an excavation that is made into the tree’s trunk, with an entrance hole at the side. Both sexes will participate in excavating the nesting area as well as bringing material such as bark strips to line the chamber.

Courtship display includes aerial acrobatics and dives, accompanied by vocalizations from both birds. During breeding season males may also give a soft ‘chip’ call to attract females, after which they perform their courtship flight pattern together.

When flying this species usually follows straight lines with shallow undulations and glides frequently between flaps of its wings. When disturbed it can fly rapidly away but typically does not travel far before settling again nearby or returning to where it was initially disturbed from .

Identification Tips

The red-bellied woodpecker, native to much of eastern North America, is a medium sized bird with distinctively marked plumage. It has several identifying characteristics that make it easy to distinguish from other species. This article will provide some useful identification tips for recognizing the red-bellied woodpecker in its natural habitat.

One of the most distinctive features of the red-bellied woodpecker is its color pattern. The back and wings are black with yellow barring on the wings and tail feathers while the underside is white or pale grayish-white with reddish streaks along the sides, belly, and flanks. Additionally, there are two bold white stripes on both sides of the head which stand out against the otherwise dark coloring of this species.

Another distinguishing mark lies in their bill shape; they have a long pointed beak that curves downwards slightly at the end making them easily recognizable when seen in flight or perched atop trees. Their call too can be helpful in identifying these birds as they produce loud short bursts interspersed with low rumbles and chirps during mating season. They also commonly drum loudly on tree trunks using their bills to attract mates and drive away predators.

In addition to being able to recognize these birds through physical appearances and vocalizations, one should pay attention to their preferred habitats when attempting to identify them in nature; being primarily ground feeders, red-bellied woodpeckers prefer open woods near water sources but can also sometimes be found perching in dead trees or shrubs searching for food such as insects or fruits/nuts. Thanks to its unique coloration and behaviors it is usually quite easy to spot these birds if you know what you’re looking for.


The red-bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) is a medium sized bird native to North America. It is characterized by its gray and black barred plumage, white rump patch and bright red crown. This species inhabits deciduous forests and urban areas in the eastern United States and stretches as far south as Florida.

Their diet consists mainly of insects, nuts, fruits and seeds which are obtained from trees or found on the ground. During breeding season they create cavities in dead trees for nesting sites that may be reused year after year.

The conservation status of this species is considered Least Concern due to its wide range and large population size; however, loss of habitat continues to threaten their populations. Interesting facts about the red-bellied woodpecker include its ability to cling upside down while feeding, its courtship displays involving drumming with its bill against tree trunks and structures, as well as using “chirping” calls during flight.

Identification tips include looking for the white wing patches when seen from underneath, searching for nut storage caches at base of bark crevices, listening for loud chipping call notes and observing them clinging upside down on branches or other surfaces while eating insects or drilling into logs or stumps for food items hidden inside.

In conclusion, the red-bellied woodpecker is an interesting species that can be easily identified once one becomes familiar with their distinctive features and behaviors exhibited within their preferred habitats throughout much of North America.